VC Cash IS NOW harder to come by. Competition is fierce. But you can navigate this crisis to your advantage.
Francois Mazoudier
Angel Investor. Tech Veteran. Serial Entrepreneur. Former Investment Banker. Raised $200M+.
1 IPO • 1 Bankruptcy • 8 Companies
What's different this time around, and what happens next?
Should you delay your investment round or change your valuation target - or not?
Are there ways to leverage the current economic climate to your advantage?
The Fundraising Bootcamp is for you. It's an intensive investment preparation exercise - you'll leave with everything you need to win your next investment round.
98% founder success rate. 93/100 NPS.
Seriously, the inside knowledge and experience we got here can't be emulated or gained on some get-rich-quick type of online 'courses' - it takes people with deep insight and rich experience (also experience in failing and making mistakes) to understand this world, and that's who Marcela and Francois are.
Ljubljana cohort - May 2022
You are often told as a founder to beware of paid for services promising funding help. Fundraising Bootcamp is not that. It's THE coaching service you need to reach funding goals. To be honest it's priceless. Fundraising is no longer alien. I now know exactly what to do and have my messaging 100% right.
Online Cohort - June 2022
This was the single most valuable fundraising training I’ve ever had. Despite having raised before, there was so much I learned here that has completely change the way I fundraise. I have the tools, templates and processes to now run the most effective fundraise possible for Vistalworks. I urge all founders to invest time in this programme before they start seriously fundraising.
Tech Nation Cohort - Mar 2021
Great thanks - we'll let you know when the next one comes up.